Industry awards we won for quality in spades
Custom Homes, HIA Awards, NewsThe team at Erban Development are thrilled to announce its recent achievements at the recent 2017 HIA Perth Housing Awards night!

“How to create a compact home and maximise your living space on a small block.”
Custom Homes, Home Design, NewsThe team at Erban Development are thrilled to announce its recent achievements at the recent 2017 HIA Perth Housing Awards night!

“Quality is always sustainable”
Custom Homes, Home Design, NewsThe team at Erban Development are thrilled to announce its recent achievements at the recent 2017 HIA Perth Housing Awards night!

Won Best of Houzz 2019!
Custom Homes, Houzz Awards, NewsThe team at Erban Development are thrilled to announce its recent achievements at the recent 2017 HIA Perth Housing Awards night!

Erban Development wins HIA Custom Built Home Award
Custom Homes, HIA Awards, NewsThe team at Erban Development are thrilled to announce its recent achievements at the recent 2017 HIA Perth Housing Awards night!

Erban Development wins Sustainable Home of the Year Award
Custom Homes, HIA Awards, Home Design, News
Erban Development Wins Houzz Design Award
Custom Homes, Frontpage Article, Home Design, Houzz Awards, News
Erban Development Wins HIA & GreenSmart Awards!
Custom Homes, Frontpage Article, HIA Awards, Home Design, News
Three great things about Perth urban living
Custom Homes, Frontpage Article, Home Design, NewsDecades of urban sprawl have seen Perth’s boundaries stretch a staggering 120km from north to south. Urban living trends need to change.